Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Utter Cuteness

Here's a pic I think that would interest guys and gals who like Final Fantasy,
like Terry, Jsen, Seng Poh, Voon Keong and etc.
Even those who don't might find this funnily cute.

Click on the picture if you can't see it properly

And here's another pic for you anime fans out there.

Yes, Terry, that's Suzumiya Haruhi with Destiny Gundam's parts.
The guy took some parts of his Destiny Gundam and Blue Tack-ed them to Haruhi.
Crude, but very believable.
A salute to Danny Choo for this awesome job.

There's actually a real model of Haruhi in a Unicorn Gundam armor, Terry.
I'm not joking!

For those who doesn't know Danny Choo,
he's Jimmy Choo's son.
Yes, Jimmy Choo the famous Malaysian shoemaker.
Hey, he makes shoes for Hollywood celebrities, okay?
Even The Queen of England wears his shoes!
So did Michelle Obama during the Presidential Innaugaration!
Be proud man! He's 100% Malaysian!

Oh, Danny Choo is a very famous person among those who love Japanese culture.
Seen his site before, Terry?
Here's the link:

Danny Choo's Website

You can thank me now, Terry. So can the rest of you who love Japan.

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