Monday, April 6, 2009

Tagged by Terry

Okay, so I'm quite pleasantly surprised that my Internet isn't down yet, so I'll take this opportunity to do one tag before anything unexpected happens.

Name : 'Leonhart' Woon Ir Vin
Sisters : None.
Brothers : 1
Shoes size :7. But I prefer to wear a pair of 8s
Height : about 150 cm.
Where do you live : Cheras, KL. Further information is considered classified info
Favourite drink : A can of Coca-Cola does me in every time.
Favourite breakfast : Bacon and Eggs. That is, if I ever had bacon and eggs before for breakfast
Have You Been on a plane : Countless times
Swam in the ocean : Yes. Please wear goggles when you do, for goodness sake.
Fallen asleep in school : Almost as often as falling asleep on my own bed
Broken some one's heart : Not really. I did get mine broken though. Loads of times.
Fell of your chair : When I rock it backwards. It's worth the risk
Sat by all night waiting for someone to call : In a way...
Saved e-mails : Duh
What is your room like : More organized than Terry's, I guess
What's right beside you : My handphone
What's the last thing you ate : Bread
Ever had chicken pox : Yes. Wouldn't want it again
Sore throat : It's like asking me whether I had a fever before
Stitches : No. Not looking forward to one
Broken nose : No. Again, not something I want to look forward to
Do you believe in love at first sight : Every single time. Yeah, it's a weakness.
Like picnics : Never had a bona-fide legitimate one.
Who was the last person you danced with : "...I don't dance..." -Squall Leonhart-
Last made you smile : Can't remember
You last yelled at : My brother. He can be a downright emo pain.

Talk to someone you like : Not yet. The day's still early
Kissed anyone : Never kissed a girl before
Get sick : No. Don't want to
Talked to an ex : Never had one
Miss someone : Yes.
Do you sleep with soft toys : No.
What's under your bed : Dust?
Who do you really hate : No one in particular
What time is it now : 12.35pm
Is there a person who is on your mind right now : A few
Do you have any siblings : Already answered
Do you want children : Sure.
Do you smile often : Quite.
Do you like your handwriting : Fair enough
Are your toenails painted :No. Not ever
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : My bed's good enough, thank you
Color shirt are you wearing : white
What were you doing at 7pm yesterday : Dinner?
I can't wait to : Get my license, go to college, live my life to the fullest?
When did you cry last : Can't remeber
Are you a friendly person : Quite.
Do you have any pets : No. Wish I had
Where is the person you have feelings for right now : College?
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you : Can't remember last time I held hands
Do you sleep with the TV on : No. What am I? Homer Simpson?
What are you doing now : This tag.
Can you handle the truth : Depends
Are you closer to mother or father : Bothe equally
How many people can you say you've really loved : A few
Do you eat healthily : Quite considerably
Have you ever cried because something someone said to you : Can't remember the last time I cried
How often do you go to church : Almost every Sunday
If you're having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to : Not sure. Hardly hang-out much
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : I'd like to be a mixture of both
Are you confident : In a way. I have issues. Do you?

Too many to recount

Finish this tag and continue on writing Chapter 5

My house?

I tag :
- Anyone who gives a hoot.

Goes without saying that it actually means no one's gonna do this thing.

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