Saturday, July 12, 2008

Of Missing Handphones and Broken-Into Lockers

First of, it's not my hand phone that's missing and not my locker that was broken into ( if we even HAD lockers for regular students in MBS...)

It was Jiun Ee's hand phone that was stolen form the Librarians' Locker located in the librarians' entrance to the school library (key word: library-ness) because someone stole his set of keys, which so happens to be master key for all six lockers doors.

So whoever had them had the damn luxury of taking his time to pilfer whatever the bastard wanted within the treasure cove that is that locker. You should have seen Jiun Ee's face when he ranted out to us about what happened.

Hell hath no wrath than a Jiun Ee scorn
-Leonhart Woon-

P.S. I hope you manage to pin that bastard of a thief Jiun Ee, I really do. And I'll be there to help you turn him into pulp.

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