Friday, December 25, 2009


So on the Eve of Christmas itself
my family and I went to see
what I believe to be Movie of The Year.

in 3D.

Indeed, it was a wondrous movie,
what else would one expect from a
production that was 14 years in
the making?

A lot of my friends sing praises of this movie,
so would I, if I wasn't so lazy.

'Cause the movies itself is stunning
in almost every aspect,
from the character development to
the fact that the Na'vi language is real.

Yes folks, The Star Newspaper
shown an article in the past about how
an Oxford Professor in Language
was hired to construct the entire
Na'vi language from scratch.

Hah, development down to the very core, it is.

Well done, James Cameron.
Hope the coming sequel will be just as good.

And yes, rumors are it'll be on its way.


Unknown said...

reminds me of atlantis.. few movies actually construct their own language

Leon Woon said...

Atlantis? You mean the Disney version?

Cool! XD