Monday, May 17, 2010

Meet The Choos

No, it's not an upcoming movie.

I'm sure the name Jimmy Choo ran by you at least once in your life right?
Be it from TV, a magazine, or even a pair of his celebrated line of footwear that your 
mum/sister/girlfriend (gasp!) wears.
Maybe even you wear a pair.
(Considering you're a girl, or'd be...awkward.)

Alright, straight to the point.

Now, his son, Danny Choo, is a certain individual that deals in 
Japan lifestyle and pop culture.
Other than that, his website is for everything anime/manga/figures/otaku-dom.

So he was here in KL and on his last day here he decided to have a get-together with

the members of and in Lot 10

Naturally I was ecstatic. XD

Quite the crowd.

Danny's Dollfie, Saber (from Fate Stay Night) was there to greet us.
My first real encounter with a Dollfie, and honestly, I want one.

A smaller one placed against the bigger (in more ways than one...) Saber.

The meet-up place was rather small due to the reserved area specifically for us,
'cause Danny wasn't expecting nearly a hundred people to turn up on such short notice!
Danny had pulled some strings in YTL for this place, though. ^^

A girl taking care of her 'daughter' (nickname for a Dollfie, since it needs that much maintenance and manja)

Those who don't have Dollfies brought Figma figurines along, like I did!
Haruhi and Kyon (from Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi) are the only 2 I have,
so I thought they could use some fresh air.
Someone's actually taking a photo of them! 

Can't get a good angle to show off the real dynamics of the pose. 
Looks so kayu in this shot.

The Dollfies again, this time with an unknown illustration.

More shots on my Figmas! XD
She changed the pose to suit her liking, which I don't mind.

Merry bunch of people that I sat with.
Everyone clicks in this gathering, 'cause we're all on common ground. =)

lol, some of the guys wanted to go creative.
Luka (top) is so cute! ><

ahh, the man, Danny, himself.

I stuttered a little, being extremely nervous of meeting a celebrity (he is!) like him.
"It's okay, I'm a little nervous here too," he said with a smile,
and I appreciated that. 
Japanese humble-ness. =)
Like everyone else, he asked me about who I was, what I do,
and we had a genuine, nice discussion.
He takes time to talk to every single reader who turned up,
and that was something I found to be delightful. =)

A dedicated flag presented to him,
with notes of thanks to him written all over the red and whites =)

owner of the smaller dollfie, 
and a friend of my current classmates! small world!

mother of the medium-sized dollfie. 

Okay, close-in on my 2 Figs. Haruhi never ceases to drive Kyon up the wall.

Otacool magazine made by Danny's ocmpany. 
You should buy one at Kinokuniya. 

Better shot at them.

now this was a pleasant surprise.
when I was halfway drawing a sketch of Saber,
a man came up behind me and said
"I like this style. It's the whole manga thing, right?"
I gave an immediate thanks and turned around,
but couldn't recognize who he was (thought at first that he was another fan)
until I saw the person next to him.
Dato' Jimmy Choo.

that was what went in my head as the crowd swarmed with murmurs of 
"Jimmy Choo! He's here!"
Some called him 'Daddy Choo.'

And guess who that other man was?
Tan Sri Francis Yeoh,
managing director of YTL.

2 of Malaysia's business giants were stading mere feet from me,
of whom one already complimented on my drawings. 
To say I was starstruck is an understatement.

Yup, couldn't pass out the chance. XD
He has a very firm hand-shake, to be expected from a man of his caliber.

More Dollfies. XD

The amount of details of a high-end Dollfie is astounding,
but so is the price tag.
Mind, clothes are bought separately, and cost as much as real ones, if not more.

Danny decided to add one more accessory to her,
and I smiled when I found out what it was.

She has her own mini-DSLR.
  Awwww. >3<
Accessories are abundant for Dollfies. Try Googling it all of you're curious.

After most of the crowd trickled out,
Danny decided to hold a small Q & A session,
and he sat at the table where my Figmas and those of several others were there,
and he decided to have a little fun,
to our amusement.


I felt like a reporter for a night. Lalalalalala.

So while I was taking these shots,
I was continuing my sketch of Saber (who was right in front of me, lol),
and was caught off-guard when Danny asked "What'cha got there?"
All attention turned to me as I quickly replied that it was a sketch of Saber 
and handed it to him the second his hand stretched out for it.

"This is really nice. Such a lovely pair of eyes," he said with that cheeky grin,
and I immediately caught the hidden meaning.
"Which eyes??" I asked with an amused tone, and the rest laughed.
Yeah, we all know the joke.
"Both," he said, and we laughed some more.

He signed the sketch and I was told by the rest to get a snapshot with Danny and the sketch.

I'm so happeh!

Haruhi wanted to have a last shot with the girls she bonded with
during her time here, while she sent Kyon to pack things up.
(what else is new...)

These group of people were with Danny and Jimmy at some time,
and they were all sitting together when everything was over,
so it's safe to say that they're all family. ^^

It was edging to 9pm when it was all over,
so I decided to have dinner at the food court,
and to complete the day nicely,
udon for dinner. 

Haruhi-chan just couldn't resist getting into one more pic. =)

We were the last 20% that actually stayed back to the very end,
and it was rewarding, to say the least. =)

Looking forward to next time, Danny! 

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hatching, Cross-Hatching

I've been looking around for some time and I noticed that
I'm lacking in certain areas that really have me going down in the dumps today.

I don't like to feel depressed, especially when I'm driving, or stuck in a traffic jam, like earlier tonight.

But I'm feeling better now, being in the midst of family.

This post isn't all about morbid-ness and grim-tinged muses, though.

Fields of Blue

Done for Mother's Day recently, 
and I should've posted this sooner, 
but I forgot, 
or just being my usual neglectful self.

My first take on a scenery digital painting,
so there.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ze Edits!

Cropped a lil' at the lower area because I though her legs looked kinda odd at the end.

What do you guys think?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010




Something that I wish would be happening here in KL,
but yeah, no hope for that, since we have no mad scientist
whose only sole purpose in life is to create a snow-day here.

But enough about that,
here's what the post is really about.

Yuki Nagato,
from The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi.

Did I mention that I'm in love with this girl?
Reading The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi just reinforced it,
and makes me impatient for the DVD-ripped version of the movie to come out.

Yes, the studios who made the anime turned that particular plot arc into
a 2-hour+ movie. And I'm really eager to see it.


Because the otherwise emotion-less Yuki (she's an alien, don't ask)
acts all moe and all-round adorable in that arc,
and it has almost all the fans going nuts over it.

So that's why I made this pic,
to show that side of Yuki that bears real emotion.

And when I was browsing through my folder with all my works in it,
I came across my first Yuki CG, which was done last year,
when I first got this tablet.

And I made a comparison.

Yeah...major difference.

Before: 26th December 2009
After: 3rd May 2010

I still have a long way to go,
and Kai advises me to sharpen my anatomy skills,
so I'll take a break from CG-ing and brush up on it, then,
the pencil once again being my best freind.

But looking at this, goes to show how far I've come in these past few months,
and how far I still have to go to reach the level all Illustrators dream of.

Practice practice practice.

Gotta remember that one.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Shield And the Hammer

Good news and bad.

Bad news is, 
sleepy + figure homework = some f**ked-up finishing.

 Good news is,
Robert Downey Jr. doesn't fail to deliver another solid role.
Neither did Mickey Rourke!

Yes, folks, I've watched Iron Man 2 
one day straight off the bat of it's release,
owing to booking the tickets a week in advance,
and even then, a majority of the good seats were gone to the reservations. 
At least I got good ones this time for the whole family.

So, critique time!
Ignore if you don't want spoilers,
which...I wouldn't give, at any rate...

The story was nice and solid, 
none of those cliché elements in them,
not in my eyes, anyway.

There were times that I felt bad for Tony,
who is a terrible alcoholic in the comics origianlly (though only shown briefly in this one)
and find myself tempted to shove Pepper and Tony together
so they would just kiss and stop arguing already,
(not really furious arguments, you know,
but more like those moments in the first movie where they won't stop countering one another,
and it's endearing, yes, and it makes you just *wish* they'd make out already)

I swear she's perfect for him. 
Gwenneth Paltrow certainly portrays Pepper wonderfully,
being the not-too-overly-sexy, caring, controlled and systematic woman
that can still give Tony a piece of her mind.
Do I even need to mention how beautiful Pepper is?

Robert was born to play Tony Stark, hands down.
Remember the court room scene we kept seeing in trailers?
Listen to every word he says when you watch it that scene in the full movie.

Scarlett Johansson was...hawt.
As a secretary *and* as Black Widow,
kicking ass in 360 degrees.

And Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is made of win.
Seriously. Aside from the Robert/Tony destiny,
Samuel L. *is* the incarnation of the SHIELD Director.

Not sure bout Don Cheadle, though.
He did good in this movie, 
but I haven't seen much of him before,
so I'm not sure what to compare.

I don't even need to mention about the graphics, now do I?
It's like saying the sea is wet,
or that Iron Man is red.
And gold.

War Machine's grey, 
but he doesn't count.
I'm talking prismatic colors here, people!
Colors that make you a striking target FTW!!

Ranty P.S: 
Pepper will make a wondeful mom one day,
just look at her character!
How can you not find maternal traits in her?