Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Morning Rain Whilst The Sky Remains Black

If the title confuses the hell outta you,
it's now 2 in the morning here for me.

Why am I still up so late?

Well, it's usual for us TOA folk, actually.

But what I wanna whine about now is how long I took to finish
what I think is one of my best work so far.

Hugh Laurie / Dr. House

I swear to God that if it wasn't for the wrinkled paper
and the poor lighting, it'll look better.

Heck, you can ask any of my college mates how the real thing looks like.

But what peeved me about the drawing is that although it took me
my average of 4 hours,
I took up an entire hour to construct the proportion.

Yes, 1 hour to get everything as spot-on as humanly possible.

And without keeping track of the time,
I stupidly spent another hour just to shade the left eye.

Well, to be honest,
I was referring to the way one of my seniors did the same picture,
so I got carried away.


I should be getting some sleep now,
but I'm tempted to finish the last level of Halo 2 tonight
so that I have nothing to itch to do when I get back tomorrow.

*Then* all I have to do is to finish my other work that's due by next week.


We don't have things easy, I tell you.

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